Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Synchronicity or Superstition?

Remarkable occurences. Inexplicable twists of fate. The unforeseen desire to take a different road, only to find out that your regular route was host to a horrible multiple car crash, after the fact! Were you somehow subconsciously warned, or directed? Was there some sort of Divine Guidance? You look toward your phone, which almost immediately rings! You not only seemed to expect it, but have some glimmer of an idea who it is! How do these seemingly synchronous events happen? This is a subject fraught with realities which seemingly deny calculable probabilities. I will, in this post, address documented cases, in which this phenomenon has truly mysterious implications! As my friend Rareheart says, "Down The Rabbit Hole"! Magnus

1 comment:

Bill Missett said...

Magnus: You may be interested in the following information, which explains this mystery:

All metaphysical phenomena (all) are characteristics, traits, abilities or experiences of our spiritual nature, emanating from our souls.

The reasons we are so confused by the variety of metaphysical/spiritual phenomena is because religions, primarily Christianity, especially the Roman Catholic Church, banned every single one of our spiritual abilities and traits as "heretical,’ “demonic,” or “no longer occurring.”

I've just completed a trilogy of books jointly entitled Awakening The Soul explaining the history behind this suppression, and providing a channeled method to overcome it. These books posit four things:

1. All "metaphysical phenomena" (also described as paranormal phenomena, psi, psychic event, parapsychology, etc.) is actually our spiritual nature at work.

2. Religions suppressed our spiritual nature by making almost everything metaphysical off-limits, sinful or evil, and intimidated science into not investigating metaphysical phenomena (our spiritual nature) under the penalty of death

3. This led to our current confusion and ignorance about our spiritual nature, with most of us thinking it is something outside ourselves, while in truth it is really our internal spiritual nature in action.

4. I provide remarkable spiritual tools to restore that spiritual nature, in Christian terms.

Book One: Proof of Our Spiritual Nature presents more than 80 differing examples of our metaphysical/spiritual nature, and explains 10 of them in depth.

Book 2: Our Suppressed Spiritual Nature reveals why we lost awareness of our spiritual nature, primarily through religious suppression for the last 2000 years.

Book 3: Restoring Your Spiritual Nature is a primarily channeled text providing exercises to restore our spiritual nature. It includes startling directions on how to reprogram the ego, and assign the Soul to be in charge of all our daily activities. It has been called “The key to the 12th Step” of AA and other addiction programs because it provides the necessary spiritual awakening.

Awakening The Soul: The Trilogy is now available, containing all three volumes in one 725-page reduced price text, with hundreds of new facts and enhancements.

A great deal of additional information can be found at: www.awakeningthesoul.info

and a discussion group of like-minded individuals is at:

Questions are welcome!

Available from the publisher, www.authorhouse.com which provides the best service.
Also available on Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Borders, etc., just plug in Bill Missett and Awakening The Soul. Thanks!