Tuesday, September 6, 2011

9/11 Truth Movement Supporter

9/11 Truth Movement Supporter

It is time for the Truth to be told. It is time for the Truth to be heard for the Truth will set us free. A deep, heart-felt thank you to Fred Burks for putting this all together.


9/11 Truth Movement
9/11: Invitation to show people around the world
the strength of the 9/11 movement

Subject: Declaring Myself a Supporter of the Worldwide Movement for 9/11 Truth

Dear friends,

I am a supporter of the 9/11 truth movement. I may not be very outspoken about this to some of you, but as we arrive at the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, I now want to declare myself to you, to all my friends, and to the entire world. I write also to invite you to join me in building a better world.

If you are at all triggered by this, I invite you to take a deep breath and hold an open mind before reading on. If you are a supporter of the 9/11 movement, I invite you to join me and declare yourself, too. I invite you to do this either by forwarding this message to all of your friends with a note of support at the top, or by writing a similar message of your own with an invitation for all of us to declare ourselves openly. Let us join together in letting the world know the vast numbers of us who question the official story of 9/11 and support this noble movement.

I am writing this message not only to declare myself and invite others to do the same, but even more so to show you the numbers of highly respected people from a wide variety of professions who have publicly declared themselves, stating that the 9/11 Commission Report was filled with omissions and distortions, and that we need a new, independent investigation. Did you know that the numbers who have joined the 9/11 truth movement now include:

  • Over 200 senior military and government officials
  • Over 250 pilots and aviation professionals
  • Over 300 9/11 survivors and family members
  • Over 400 respected professors
  • Over 1,500 architects and engineers

You can read the name, profession, and statements with links for verification for every one of these people on the great website at http://patriotsquestion911.com. Included are U.S. Senators, members of Congress, a former president of Italy, military generals, and many more. And there are thousands more of this stature who are not willing to go public yet, or who simply have not contacted the above website to share their information. For a more concise listing of revealing statements made by the top 50 senior government officials and over 100 respected professors, click here and here.

The media greatly underplays the number and quality of people involved in the 9/11 movement. Neither do they give much coverage to the solid, verifiable evidence of complicity that we have accumulated. For how and why the major media has largely failed to report on this, click here.

I am writing to all of you as one who has carefully researched the abundant evidence surrounding 9/11 from reliable, verifiable sources and come to the conclusion that certain rogue elements within the U.S. government were very likely involved in the attacks. Though this idea may be disturbing for you to entertain, consider that if what I and many others are saying is true, we place ourselves in great peril by not seriously considering the evidence.

The motive for certain rogue government elements in manipulating the events of 9/11 is fairly obvious. Without the 9/11 attacks, we almost certainly would never have spent trillions of dollars on two major wars and beefing up national security, which I'm sure you know has greatly padded the pockets of some of the richest individuals and corporations in the world. For a Washington Post article showing over $3 trillion in Iraq War spending alone, click here. For the comments of a top U.S. general on major manipulations to keep us at war, click here.

Some of you may not know that I graduated a valedictorian from high school, graduated with honors and a 3.8 GPA from college, received numerous awards and scholarships for my studies, and went on to became the U.S. Department of State's top Indonesian language interpreter. I eventually had the honor of personally interpreting for Bill Clinton, G.W. Bush and many other top government officials from around the world. I share this only to show that I have some credibility in these matters.

To read the story of how I became aware of the likelihood of a major cover-up on the day of 9/11 and, even more importantly, why I am optimistic about our future, click here. To explore some of the abundance of reliable, verifiable information available suggesting a major cover-up, see the 9/11 Information Center at this link. This webpage includes links to some of the best videos, major media articles, government documents, and more which are the basis of the 9/11 movement.

Though this information may be scary and difficult to digest for some, I invite you to consider this as a golden opportunity for us to work together for a better world. Please join me not only in calling for a new, independent investigation of 9/11, but also in working towards a brighter future for all of us. Contact your friends and your political and media representatives to let them know where you stand. I have no doubt that when we come together on vital matters like this, we can make a difference and transform our world for the better. Thanks for caring, and have a good day.

With very best wishes and hopes for a brighter future,
Fred Burks
Former White House language interpreter and founder of PEERS and WantToKnow.info

Note: If you forward this message as a supporter of the 9/11 movement, don't forget to use BCC, and please consider adding a short message at the top declaring yourself as a supporter. And feel free to write your own message based on what I've written. You can copy, delete, add to, or change anything I've written, though if you use the personal information I gave on myself, please don't change that. Thanks! This message is also available online at this link.

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Explore the mind and heart expanding websites managed by the nonprofit PEERS network:

www.peerservice.org - PEERS websites: Spreading inspiration, education, & empowerment
www.momentoflove.org - Every person in the world has a heart
www.personalgrowthcourses.net - Dynamic online courses powerfully expand your horizons
www.WantToKnow.info - Reliable, verifiable information on major cover-ups
www.weboflove.org - Strengthening the Web of Love that interconnects us all

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Friday, April 29, 2011

Another Hurdle!

Welcome All! Had a bit of a setback last Sat. in the form of a Stroke. No paralysis, or brain damage, just blacked out for a bit, and had some disorientation after. Three days in hospital got me stabilized, and I will be coming back more than before, as this little Bully Pulpit is my own little station in Cyberspace! I am thankful for the few that visit here, and will strive, in future to make your journey to this meager site worthwhile! Be Well All! Magnus

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bridge Of Sighs and a Bit More!

Hello All! A recent addition to the bottom video bar! You will find, in rotation, video of Robin Trower's "Bridge of Sighs" I highly recommend this video. He's old, like me, but Man does he ROCK! Have also made a recent change to the Video Sidebar! Cesar Huesca's most excellent version of Alter Bridge's Metalingus! Seer Magnus Prime

Friday, November 14, 2008

Naomi Wolf, Herald of The New Age!

You will have noticed the Video Sidebar, that scrolls through some of Ms. Wolf's videos. This is not an aside my friends, it is nothing less than Prophetic!!!! I have tried, repeatedly to contact her, for elaboration on these speeches, to confirm them on this site, but she must be insanely busy, and I have no time to pursue this further, so I hope that this post will cause the Google thing to direct her attention to this meager Blog! Watch the videos! Listen to what this woman has to say! If you do not heed what she has to say, then you are doomed to suffer what her statements portend! It has already begun! The Brown Shirts? Obama's Civil Military proposal. The alarmist concerns, designed to bring about acceptance of Governmental control?In place with the BAILOUT! I will continue to attempt to contact her, for her own address of this issue here, on this site, but, in the mean time, please watch her videos, and listen to what she has to say! It is so very relevant to what we now face! Magnus

Sunday, October 5, 2008

In Light There is Hope

Dear Friends, These are indeed dark times. There will be much more to be endured in the coming months, and dare I say, years. I would simply say: He who keeps his head, when all about him are losing theirs, does not have an adequate grasp of the situation! Certainly, keep your head! But that is not to say that we should not act! You may ask, just what one individual can do? Unify my friends! You will have neighbors who will suffer in the times to come. Know them, and share their load. You may have in excess, what they do not. And they may provide for you in kind.
There will be more unemployed, higher prices, and shortages, due to cost, or supply. Crime will also be an issue. Much more so at the lower levels than what our High Officials, and Corporations have already foisted upon us! The Robber-Barons will weather this handily, for their coffers, and pantries are fat with plunder! The only way for the Citizen is through Unity! Your neighbors, your friends, your community. Know them! Keep in touch with them! Look out for them, and this will garner their trust, and reciprocal caring for you! I think you will find, that, on a personal level, there is much more good in Mankind, than has been displayed by those tasked with our well-being! They have failed us so miserably! All I ask, is that you be a Light in the Darkness, and as that light spreads throughout your community, the Darkness will recede, and we will survive this travesty wrought upon us! I have already talked to my local Grocer, who normally throws out food that is perfectly good, but the date has expired. They will now donate all of it to the local homeless shelter, which will immediately cook it thoroughly, and feed the needy with this valuable commodity! Take a step to help someone! We may just find that the whole is truly greater than the sum of it's parts! Be Well My Friends! Seer Magnus Prime

Friday, October 3, 2008

We Live In Interesting Times

By now, you have all heard that the bailout, excuse me, "rescue" package has been passed by the House and signed by the President. We've heard all the reasons for passage of the bill, the main one being that "we've got to do something."

But do we have to do something? Historically, the market has always found a way to balance out and those that are long term investors simply see this as a little blip on the horizon. It is the investment houses, banks and short term investors that are feeling the crunch the most, though.

There is an old adage in investing that you do not throw good money after bad, but that is exactly what our government has done. The government has promised to buy up all these bad CDI's that have been horse traded from hell to breakfast. I wish I could get the government to help me on a couple of bad loans.

What is going to happen in the long run? Will this package really help us out of the economic chaos that is undermining our country? I seriously doubt it and to put it in plain terms, it is akin to bandaging an infected cut without doing anything to take care of the underlying infection.

America has lost 159,000 non-farm jobs in the last month moving us to around 850,000 for the year. People, there is still one quarter remaining to be accounted for. We are still in the midst of a huge housing bubble that has many large builders staring bankruptcy right in the bloody eyeballs. Credit is still tight as banks are afraid to loan as no one wants further bad debt on their balance sheet.

So what is this bailout, excuse me, "rescue" package going to do for our moribund economy? The main thing it will do is removing these mortgage based securities, also known as, CDI's off the balance sheets of the banks and other financial institutions that are carrying them. This is supposed to enhance liquidity. Unfortunately, it does nothing to address the underlying shortage of capital that is used by banks for their fractional reserve system of lending.

Now stay with me here, folks. This system of fractional reserve lending means that the banks must only have a fraction of what they actually loan out in reserve. So, the bank that loans you $10,000 need only have $1,000 in reserve. Where does that other $9,000 come from? How about thin air. Then we are charged interest on that thin air. Pretty good racket, especially if you can force the government to cover your bad debts.

So with all that as backdrop for this Economic 9/11, is this bailout, excuse me, "rescue" package going to save our bacon? I'll answer that question with another question. Do you believe that the giving away of $700,000,000,000 to cover some bad debts and ethically questionable decisions, with no oversight, no regulation and no punishment for wrongdoing, immediately turns financial dunderheads into geniuses? Me neither.

Besides, the ARM mortgage meltdown is estimated at more in the neighborhood of 2 - 3 trillion dollars. We're only at the beginning of this mess that has been predicted for a few years now. Do you recall Bush just saying the economy is sound? Remember this when Congress attempts another bailout.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

To Bail Or Not To Bail

That is the question. However, nowhere in the discussion have I heard much discussed about the questionable ethics of the practices that lead to this financial meltdown, nor any increased oversight that would prevent a recurrence. In fact, many top economists are now saying that this bailout, now called a "rescue," could make matters worse.

In my opinion, the original bill, as I have seen, simply gives our money away with no accountability or oversight on the whim of one man. I do not think that anyone should have that weight put upon their shoulders.

What is particularly disturbing is that the logic in Washington DC seems to be that by giving these financial numbskulls money to bail them out of these poor decisions they have made will suddenly make them geniuses and they will make intelligent decisions. I doubt that throwing good money after bad decisions will make things any better.

This is another example of top down economics where the economy is stimulated at the highest levels and money then trickles down to the rest of us. We've all seen how well that works. That is what has gotten us into this mess.

I think we need to try something new, something different. Now bear with me on this. Our economy is predicated on one basic tenet, the ability of the consuming masses, to consume. Without that consumption, products sit on the shelf or in inventory as a liability for the company holding them until they are sold.

So what we need to do is to stimulate the economy at the grassroots level and let the market separate the wheat from the chaff at the higher levels. Companies that make intelligent, ethical decisions will prosper and those that do not, will not and should not for that matter.

If Washington insists on bailing out, excuse me, rescuing Wall Street, then let's encourage them to take the time and create a bill that will have some toothful oversight and penalties for those that continually abuse the concept of ethics in the marketplace. Any package that is traded on the marketplace needs content oversight.

Just as a little aside, this reminds me of the rush to enact the Patriot Act after 9/11. Is this the Financial 9/11? Only time will tell.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Books: "2013 The End of Days or a New Beginning?"

I have just finished this sobering, but, in the end, hopeful book by Marie D. Jones. Once again she approaches a complicated, and controversial subject, with a truckload of research, and a cadre' of knowledgeable individuals, and I must say, accomplishes the desired result admirably!

On this roller coaster ride through earthquakes, famine, volcanoes, rogue comets, and so much more, Marie provides ample commentary by such visionaries as Jim Marrs, Edgar Mitchell, Joshua Warren, and Nick Redfern, just to name a few! With a foreword by Whitley Strieber, to start on a hopeful note, the book, like the carnival ride ends with a calming note. A sense that, no matter what 2012 may bring, we do have the power to effect change, which could make all the difference! And in so doing, find ourselves changed, in ways we have yet to imagine! A wealth of information, and an excellent read! Five Stars! Magnus

Synchronicity or Superstition?

Remarkable occurences. Inexplicable twists of fate. The unforeseen desire to take a different road, only to find out that your regular route was host to a horrible multiple car crash, after the fact! Were you somehow subconsciously warned, or directed? Was there some sort of Divine Guidance? You look toward your phone, which almost immediately rings! You not only seemed to expect it, but have some glimmer of an idea who it is! How do these seemingly synchronous events happen? This is a subject fraught with realities which seemingly deny calculable probabilities. I will, in this post, address documented cases, in which this phenomenon has truly mysterious implications! As my friend Rareheart says, "Down The Rabbit Hole"! Magnus